Monday, January 6, 2014

This is starts today

It's 2014...actually, 6 days into 2014.  I have a long list of things I want to accomplish.  I always do.  But I've found myself in the strangest of places recently.  For always having a goal-oriented attitude, I'm feeling outrageously misguided and off track.  Everything I have worked hard for seems to be spiraling out of control--health, career, life in general.  I am smart enough to be able to identify the areas of my life that need attention.  I am smart enough to even identify ways to get those areas of my life back on track.  But am I smart enough (or centered enough) to actually make the moves I know I need to make?

I'll start this very first blog post with a list of things I want out of life--specifically what I want out of 2014, because after all, a successful 2014 will lead to a successful 2015 will lead to a successful 2016, and so on and so forth til I'm effortlessly leading the life I imagined I would (although as I type this I realize I have struggled to identify exactly what "the life I imagined" is.  Perhaps this blog will help define it as I go.)   Little by little, I'll chip away....and documentation and accountability will dictate my course.

On December 30th, 2013 I opened my notebook and on a two-page spread I began detailing a list of To-Do's for 2014.  While some people like to create blanket statement resolutions, I tried to narrow mine slightly (although still on the lofty side!)  I sectioned them into categories based on the areas of my life that I have come to realize need the most attention.  Health, Wealth, Heart, and Soul.

Today, I'll start with Health:

HEALTH:  Body function, shape, and concept.

1.  To detox and restart.  To participate in a scientifically-proven, healthy cleanse.  To juice. To "overdose on nutrition."   To motivate the hubs to do the same. To stop the cycle in its track.  To regain control.  To start from the ground up.  To, bit by bit, lose the toxins and switch to organic foods and products...To kick the complexities out of my diet (and life) because "Complexities cause fog, but simplicity clears it."

2.  To develop and refine my own Body Concept
Define Body Concept:  n. the conceptual image formed about one's own body. It is the sum of all thoughts, feelings, and opinions evoked when a person views his or her physique.  
Taken from: Psychology Dictionary: 
I am Thick.  And Curvy.  And Sexy.  But it must be refined.  I am strong, inside and out.  And Strong is Beautiful.  I am Beautiful.  ....But it must be refined
Clean body...Clean mind...Clean life.  Live Simply.  When you look in the mirror, what do you stand for?

3.  To move.  Intentionally, but also unintentionally.  To create and follow a schedule, but add in Random Acts of Movement.  To hoop.  and Run.  and stick to The Plan.  To crave movement.

4.  To track all progress.  Photo-document.  Blog.  Chart.  Log. Announce.  Share.  To use the outlets available to me, that motivate me the most.  Facebook, Blogger, Pinterest, MyFitnessPal, G+.  Perhaps FitBit, someday?

5.  To place emphasis on Cancer remission and prevention.  Non-traditional medicine and technique.  Gather resources and information, put theory into practice.  Make it a way of life, not a magic pill.

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