Monday, January 20, 2014

CLEAN Lunch: total time, 45 mins

                                                              Pin me!  Clean Lunch
Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Raw Cherries and Almonds
-Shaved Brussels Sprouts (found them pre-shaved at Wegman's)
-a handful or two of chopped raw almonds (tossed them in the vitamix for a second)
-a handful or two of fresh cherries, pitted and sliced
-a few shakes of organic herbed sea salt that I purchased at a local fair...these are awesome because you end up using less salt than normal because it is parted out throughout the dried herbs )
-drizzled with a little EVOO, tossed around in a bowl, and roasted on a pan til they turned a little brown'ish

Made enough for me and the hubs as part of our lunch for today AND tomorrow.

This was delicious!  I also smashed half an avacado with the same herbed sea salt and some fresh cilantro and spread it on an Organic Sunshine Burger.  Sooo freakin' good.  We are currently on a strict Clean cleanse right now, but I haven't felt deprived or unsatisfied.  (except for when I see people eating CRAP in front of me...then I get "mentally" hungry--not "physically" hungry.  But so goes our processed-food-addicted-society.  sigh.  One day at a time, right?? )

I love these lil burgers, and I'm glad I found them.

Check out the whole food ingredients list: 

And the "Original" flavor has even less ingredients:

If you try anything listed above, leave some comments and let me know what you think?  Was your belly as happy as mine afterward?? :)

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