Monday, January 27, 2014

A Caramel Apple Green Smoothie a Day Keeps Dr. Junger away!

Tonight, as my dear, sweet, open-minded and supportive husband was drinking a cleanse smoothie from Dr. Junger's Clean Program, he told me to pause what I was saying because...and I quote:
 "Hang on, I can't hear what you are saying. This is way too good." 

I never thought I'd see the day!!!  hahah

                                                          Pin me!  Clean Smoothie

Adapted from Healthful Pursuit by Clean Program
• 1 cup homemade organic almond milk
• 1 frozen organic apple
• 2 tablespoon unsweetened organic SunButter
• 2 cups organic spinach
• ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract
• ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
• pinch salt
• 2 ice cubes
Clean additions:
• 1 packet Cleanse Shakes Vanilla or Chocolate (or other protein powder)
• optional: 1 tablespoon ground flax seed
Directions: Place in your blender in the order of the ingredients listed, then blend for 30 seconds or until smooth.

I can tell you that this is definitely one of the best I've made so far.  We've been cleansing since January 3rd by following Dr. Junger's Clean Program.  We've been around the block and then some with a few of the recipes included in the manual, some are better than others--that's for sure.  But this was pretty stinkin' delicious :)

I am amazed at how these smoothies actually fill me up, and how long I stay satisfied afterward.  I was not expecting to feel so UN-hungry.  It's a nice change.

We've done pretty well so far.  We had a bit of a derailing on my birthday (I just couldn't pass up free Surf 'n Turf from American Grille on Seneca) that lasted 3 days (a few bad decisions each of those three days...) but we are back on track and focused once again.

Everyone in the group forum is reporting back on how they feel so amazing, their skin is glowing, they have loads of energy, etc etc.  I haven't necessarily noticed any dramatic changes, but like I said, I'm definitely satisfied--which has sort of spurred a change in my thinking, at least.  Standing up to all the temptations (soooo many during this month!)  has empowered me.  I feel full, but not disgusting.  I've spent a lot of time picking out recipes, finding ingredients, and crafting small masterpieces that inspire more mindful eating both in myself and my husband.  I am so glad I stumbled upon the Clean Program and the online support community.  It is exactly what we've been looking for--fate, almost :)

No kickback from the program...just a satisfied participant :)
If you'd like more info:
If you'd like to check out an overview and recipes:
Even more recipes and info:

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