Monday, January 27, 2014

I'm in love. DIY Coconut Milk and Flour!

                                                       Pin me! DIY Coconut Milk and Flour

It's official. I'm addicted to coconut milk. Like, legit/homemade, unsweetened, unadulterated coconut milk--just coconut 'n water all blended into frothy perfection. It's so creamy...and WHITE! In fact, I can't believe how grey cow's milk actually is now that my eyes have been opened lol So simple and cheap...and the pulp can be strained out, baked, and used as flour!

2 cups unsweetened, shaved coconut
4 cups HOT water
--soak for an hour--
Blend on high for two or three mins
Pour through a small mesh strainer
Save pulp
Store in airtight, glass container (I've heard coconut milk lasts longer than other milks because of its composition; however, it never lasts longer than a day at my house  )

Spread pulp in a thin layer onto a baking sheet
Bake on 200 for a few hours (until all moisture has evaporated)
Transfer from baking sheet to a high powered blender (like a Vitamix)
Blend on high until the pulp reaches a flour like consistency

I have a few ideas of what I'd like to use the coconut flour for, but for now it's in a glass canister on the counter waiting for me :)

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